Are small firms willing to pay for improved power supply? Evidence from a contingent valuation study in India (with Y. Goyal, J. Rommel and J. Sagebiel), Energy Policy, Vol (109), pp. 659-665, 2017 [Click here]
Rehabilitation myths? How transaction costs reduce farmer welfare after land acquisition (with V. Patil), Journal of South Asian Development, Vol 12(1), pp. 1-17, 2017 [Click here]
Take-back agreements in the perspective of food waste generation at the supplier-retailer interface (with M. Eriksson, L. Mattsson and A. Istamov), Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 122, pp. 83-93, 2017 [Click here]
The role of access mechanisms in effective rehabilitation of displaced farmers due to development projects (with Vikram Patil and Vinish Kathuria), Journal of Development Studies (published online 13th June, 2016) [Click here]
Modeling transaction costs for a sustainable energy policy: A review and illustration, in ‘Economic Modeling, Analysis and Policy for Sustainability’. Eds. Anandajit Goswami and Arabinda Mishra, IGI Global, 2016 (Book Chapter) [Click here]
The effect of regulatory governance on efficiency of thermal power generation in India: A stochastic frontier analysis (with Vinish Kathuria), Energy Policy, Vol. 89, pp. 11-24, 2016 [Click here]
Gas based power generation in India: Lessons from a transaction cost analysis (with Vinish Kathuria) in Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol. 8, pp. 1-7, 2015 [Click here]
The transaction costs driving captive power generation: Evidence from India (with Vinish Kathuria), Energy Policy, Vol. 75, pp. 179-188, 2014 [Click here]
Costing adaptation to climate change impacts in forest ecosystems: A case study with experiences from India (with E.Ojea, B.B. Agarwal and P.K. Joshi), International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 323-341, 2012 [Click here]
Setting targets for costing ecosystem adaptation (with E. Ojea, B.B. Agarwal, P.K. Joshi and Anil Markandya), The International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, Vol.24, Issue 1, pp. 27-45, 2012 [Click here]
Food Chain Sustainability in Sweden: Value Creation through Research? Report No. 168, Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), ISSN 1401-405X [Click here]
Group Captive Power Plants in Small and Medium-Scale Industrial Clusters in India, ‘Financing Sustainable Development: Ideas for Action’. Eds. Mahmoud Mohieldin and Djordjija Petkoski, World Bank Group, Washington DC, 2015 [Click here]
Forest Ecosystems (with Ojea, Agarwal and Joshi) in ‘Costing Adaptation: Preparing for Climate Change in India’. Eds. Anil Markandya and Arabinda Mishra, TERI Press, 2010 (Book Chapter) [Click here]
Impact of Regulatory Governance on Indian Thermal Generation: A Stochastic Frontier Approach (with Vinish Kathuria), USAEE Working Paper No. 14-155 [Click here]
An Empirical Transaction Cost Model of Firm’s Decision to Make or Buy Electricity (with Vinish Kathuria), USAEE Working Paper No. 13-134 [Click here]
Costs of Governance and The Problem of Private Investment in the Indian Power Generation Sector (with Vinish Kathuria), USAEE Working Paper No. 13-110 [Click here]
Information, Regulatory Commitment and the Investment Dilemma (with Christian Kimmich), Jerusalem Papers on Regulation and Governance Working Paper No. 51, The Hebrew University [Click here]